Cleanliness a key factor in attracting customers


Attracting shoppers to walk through your front door takes hard work and dedication. The tough economic trading conditions make it even more important than ever before for retailers and business owners to create an environment that makes customers want to visit their stores. 

“An easy place to start is to create a clean environment. Shoppers have a raft of options to choose from, with many opting for online purchases. Competition is tough, and doing anything that pushes people away from your store would be a foolish move,” says Malcolm Stephens, Divisional Executive Fidelity Cleaning Services.

A recent international cleaning service study found that as many as 99% of those questioned said poor hygiene standards would have a negative impact on their opinion of a shop.

Stephens says it is important for retailers to have a proper cleaning regime that they follow meticulously. The purchase of cleaning products can often be seen as an irritation and a grudge purchase, whereas it can be a key element of your ultimate business success.

“Train your staff members on the exact type of products that are required for your type of business and show them how the cleaning process should be carried out.”

Another area that requires proper and continuing attention is any docking zone or delivery area.

Health and safety regulations and legislation should be consulted to make sure your business adheres to the conditions that are set, especially when it comes to the safe and clean delivery area used for perishable goods. 

There are several trained and experienced professional cleaning service providers, and they can visit your premises to give guidance on measures to implement.

“A clean back of house area ultimately contributes to your customers having an experience that makes them want to return to your store,” says Stephens.

Some business owners might consider hiring a cleaning service to be a costly exercise, and they may be averse to having a maintenance team in place. Stephens advises against this approach and says having the proper schedule in place and making the correct cleaning products available to your team can save you in the long run.

“You are spending money on the safety of your staff and the reputation of your shop or store. You are putting measures in place to prevent financial loss because of accidents or spoilage down the line. It is, therefore, money well spent,” says Stephens.

“Keeping your shop clean is a cost-effective way of attracting new and retaining existing customers.”


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