Cummins South Africa achieves Level 1 B-BBEE contributor status


Cummins South Africa has achieved its Level 1 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) contributor status. “This is the latest achievement for the business in our transformation journey,” says Racheal Njoroge, MD for Southern Africa “It is a significant achievement given it is such a big jump from our Level 4 certification in 2021.”

Njoroge adds: “We saw new scores across all pillars through exceptional demonstration of commitment and teamwork.” The five key pillars of B-BBEE are ownership, management, skills development, enterprise and supplier development and socio-economic development.

“We are proud to be able to share our certificate with our suppliers and customers, whom it benefits as well as it contributes to their own scorecard,” says Njoroge. “For us as an organisation this speaks to our commitment to the economic transformation of South Africa. It is not just about achieving a certain level, rather the socio-economic impact we can make in the local communities where we operate.”

It also demonstrates Cummins South Africa’s commitment to improving the quality of life of all its employees. With transformation a top priority in many African countries, Njoroge highlights increased localisation discussions in Botswana and Zambia, for example. “We are already looking at how to apply our own best practice regionally.” Going forward, skills development is a priority focus to build a talent pipeline for the industry. “B-BBEE not only looks at employment but ensures that there are sufficient skills,” says Njoroge.

Avril Campher, Transformation Leader for South Africa, says that the Level 1 certification has been the culmination of a considerable team effort. “The important thing for us now is to preserve, protect, sustain and maintain our status. There are many lessons we have learned on this journey, and it is important for us to tap into that to fill any gaps going forward.”

She also pays tribute to the leadership of Njoroge, recently awarded the Positive Role Model in Gauteng at the 10th Annual Gender Mainstreaming Awards in Johannesburg. The award is bestowed upon a senior female executive making a positive impression on the lives of others.

“There is much excitement within the company, which has made great strides in its transformation. We have always pledged our commitment to positive change within every aspect of the business and this certification is testament to that,” says Campher.

Cummins South Africa’s steady progress in this regard dates back to the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 when it began to compile the initial framework. “What this has shown is how resilient we are as a company and the huge resource that we have in our own employees,” stresses Campher.

Njoroge concludes: “We are receiving congratulatory notes from all over the world. Now that we have achieved Level 1 certification, the only way is forward.”

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