Upcoming Petrochemical Roadshows

We will help you reach your sales and marketing goals, allowing you the opportunity to:

•             Meet active new buyers

•             Boost your profile in the industry and add value to your brands

•             Show your full product range in real life

•             Without the liability of hotel, travel, fuel and not forgetting the most important one- TIME

•             Meet your potential customers face to face, and accelerate the buying process

•             Create valuable business connections

•             Launch a new product and generate instant interest

•             Develop a personal relationship with both the exhibitors & visitors 

•             Your elected company representative/s can achieve in 7 hours what independently could take weeks.

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Find out more- Contact us today for more info: Candace- 081 099 6471 or E-mail- candace@africanpetrochemicals.co.za

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